
  +91-22-2362 3386/ 9326392295

|| Online admission for Jyotirvid, Jyotirvisharad and Research (2025-26) ended on 15 -01-2025.|| Kindly contact bvbjyotishabharati@gmail.com for any further details. || Updation of the website is in progress. ||


Jyotisha Bharati
Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan,
Hazarimal Somani College,
4th Floor, Room No. 45,
K.M.Munshi Marg,
Chowpatty, Mumbai 400007
Phone: (022) 23623386
Fax : (022) 23630058
email: bvbjyotishabharati@gmail.com
(Walkable distance from Grant Road/Charni Road Railway Stations)


The ancient lore of India is unique, for many branches, its attempt was to probe the mysteries of life and death. Of its lore, the most amazing has been the science of Jyotisha, Astrology.

The lore is doubtless fascinating. From very early days, I have taken interest in friends and astrologers trying their skill on the planetary chart of the heavens at the moment of my birth, for that is what a horoscope is. I have never closed my mind to the science.

In condemning astrology, we shut our face against a science, with a predetermined vision. If explored with patience, honesty and skill, it might perhaps break through the barrier which separates life from death, the present from the future; it might give an insight into man's endeavour and his ultimate destiny.

Dr. K. M. Munshi


Shri Jivanrao T. Chitnis(Bombay Astrological Society)
Dr. Dinesh K. Dafftary
Dr. Urmi. H. Pasad
Hon. Secretary:
Shri Seemant Maharana
Shri Jagdish Lakhani
Shri V.V Bhaskaran
Shri Yogesh Kamdar
Dr. G.B.Jani
Shri P.M.Madkaikar

  1. Janmabhoomi Panchanga, Janmabhoomi Panchanga Margadarshika
  2. Panchangas published by Mumbai Samachar, Sandesh, Gujarat Samachar.
  3. Raphael's Ephemeris, Lahiri Ephemeris.
  4. Saravali by Kalyana Vanna.
  5. Sarvartha Chintamani by Vyankatesh Daivagna.
  6. Jataka Margopadeshika and Balabodha Jyotisha by Y. K. Pradhan.
  7. Sulabha Jyotisha Shastra by Shri Soman Shastri
  8. All books written by Shri H. N. Katve.
  9. All books written by Shri Dwarkanath Raje.
  10. Indian Astrology by Shri C. J. Krishna Swami.
  11. All books written by Dr. B. V. Raman.
  12. Uttara Kalamrita by Kalidasa.
  13. All books written by Raphael (Natal. Horary, Mundane & Medical).
  14. All books written by Sarvashri C. E. O. Carter, Sepharial, Vivian Robson, Symonite, Max Heindel, A. J. Pearce, Alan Leo.
  15. Books on Palmistry by W. G. Benham, Comte C. De Saint Germain, Noel Jaquin. Cherio, S. K. Das, Myrah Lawrence, Aiyer. Pt. Gopeshkumar Oza, Shri Gajendra L. Pandya, Shri Harihar Mehsanawala.
  16. Trirekhavali Prabodha by Joshi Palshetkar.
  17. Horary Astrology by Mark Edmund Jhon.
  18. Encyclopaedia of Medical Astrology by Dr. H. L. Cornell, M.D.
  19. Medical Astrology by Heinrich Daath and Dr. Garga.
  20. Dharma Sindhu, Nimaya Sindhu. Muhurta Chintamani, Muhurta Martanda.
  21. Hindu Dasha System by Grace Inglis.
  22. Retrograde Planets by Grace Inglis.
  23. Magnet Dowsing or The Magnet Study of Life by Dr. B. Bhattacharya.
  24. History of Jyotisha Shastra (Marathi) by Shankar Balakrishna Dikshit.
  25. History of Jyotisha Shastra (Gujarati) translated by Harihara Bhatt.
  26. Ashtakavarga by C. S. Patel and C.A. Subramaniam Aiyer.
  27. Graha Laghava.
  28. Surya Siddhanta.
  29. Brihat Parashari.
  30. Sarvatobhadra Chakra by Dr. Ravindra C. Desai.
  31. Raja Vallabha.
  32. Books on Vastushastra by Chandrakant Pathak.
  33. Vastu Vijaya Vigyana by Yogacharya Shri Shantikumar Bhatt.
|| Online admission for Jyotirvid, Jyotirvisharad and Research (2025-26) ended on 15 -01-2025.|| Kindly contact bvbjyotishabharati@gmail.com for any further details. || Updation of the website is in progress. ||