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|| Online admission for Jyotirvid, Jyotirvisharad and Research (2025-26) ended on 15 -01-2025.|| Kindly contact bvbjyotishabharati@gmail.com for any further details. || Updation of the website is in progress. ||

Astrological Convention at Kandivali, Mumbai

An Astrological Convention was organised by Deep Jyotish and Vastu Anusandhan Institutes, Mumbai; on 8th and 9th March, 2019, at Kandivali, Mumbai.
At this convention, Dr. H.S. Rawat, Shri Vats Avasthi, and other speakers delivered lectures on the various aspects of the Theme of Convention " Jaisi Drishti Vaisi Srishti" ( How you see the world, the world will appear to you in the same way).
Prof. Sharad C. Joshi, Vice Principal, Bhavan's Jyotisha Bharati, attended the convention, as the special guest, and delivered a lecture on the astrological interpretation of the words - Drashta (seer), Drishti (vision), and Srishti (object of perception ). He also explained the importance of Sidereal and Tropical aspects of Astrology and its role in measuring the timing of events.
|| Online admission for Jyotirvid, Jyotirvisharad and Research (2025-26) ended on 15 -01-2025.|| Kindly contact bvbjyotishabharati@gmail.com for any further details. || Updation of the website is in progress. ||